Beloved Hospital Friends,
With COVID 19, my status has changed, and I can only come into the hospital on an as needed basis, and we are no longer having chapel service.
As most of you know I work for a church as well as serve here. In my job as a church communicator, I have never been busier online. I apologize for not updating this website in some time. Know that my heart is with each one of you, my prayers about you are frequent. I am only a phone call away.
Since I was called upon to fill the pulpit at my church this past week, husband suggested I share with you my Sunday sermon I did on Facebook Live since I’ve not been able to update here. Under normal circumstances I'd never do such a thing. I'm here to serve you within your spiritual understandings, not from the angle of my religion.
But in COVID 19? Where there is only so much of any of us to go around and we are all stretched?????
I think it might be an OK idea as long as you all are aware of one caveat. That is that aspects of this message are specific to my denomination and I am in no way wanting to proselytize or convert you to my faith tradition.
Also, please kindly disregard any requests for contributions. Much of the message is universal in nature, so take what you like and leave the rest.
It is all I can do for now, and in the days ahead I do aim to post more content.
I am so in awe of your dedication and hard work in such difficult times. I miss you. I love you. Be as safe as you can. I'm so grateful for your service.
Yours Faithfully,
Chaplain Birdie